sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010


Hola amigos (Hi My Friends): A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., Peru is a very exciting story of transformation based on its consistent growth and low inflation rate, one of the lowest in Latin America, said Susan Segal, President and CEO of Americas Society and Council of the Americas. Here an image: Financial center in San Isidro, Lima. Perú, Photo: ANDINA / Piero Vargas.

Americas Society: Peru, an exciting story of transformation:

Lima, Nov. 05 (ANDINA). Peru is a very exciting story of transformation based on its consistent growth and low inflation rate, one of the lowest in Latin America, said Susan Segal, President and CEO of Americas Society and Council of the Americas.

“Peru will grow more than 8% this year. It was one of the few countries in the entire world that grew last year during the economic crisis”, she said to Andina.

The entrepreneurial environment in Peru has improved significantly as it is shown in the fact that the country leads the list of best countries to do business in Latin America.

Peru jumped to 36th place from 46th in the Doing Business 2011 ranking made by the World Bank and unveiled Wednesday, becoming one of the most attractive economies to do business and make investments.

“As you go through the country and Lima, you can see the difference. Peru is offering its citizens a great opportunity to live in an economy with growth and entrepreneurial spirit”, she said.

As Peru continues to grow, the government and the private sector are focusing on ways to improve education, access to health and technology, and entrepreneurship to make more people reap the benefits of the country’s growth.

She said Peru’s standards of education have dramatically changed in terms of criteria.
“Peru has reduced the level of poverty, it ahs lifted people out of literacy, there are more children that can read and write”, she stated.

However, with 30 percent of the population still living in poverty, Peru still faces challenges to improve the quality of life of the poorer sectors, The Americas Society CEO said.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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