viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010


Hi My Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., About 11,500 tourists will be visiting northern Peru as part of “Norte Pone campaign: History, gastronomy and nature to everyone”, launched today by Peru's Export and Tourism Promotion Board (Promperu) in order to promote tourist attractions of five departments. Here an image of Mochica artifact exhibited at site museum of archaeological complex of Huaca Rajada-Sipan. Photo: ANDINA / Alberto Orbegoso.
Aquí en la imagen observamos a una : Pieza Mochica exhibida en el Museo de Sitio en el complejo de la Huaca Rajada - Sipán, ubicada a 100 metros del complejo arqueológico donde se descubrió la tumba del Señor de Sipán. Foto: ANDINA / Alberto Orbegoso.

Promperu launches campaign to boost tourist attractions in northern Peru:

Lima, Nov. 10 (ANDINA). About 11,500 tourists will be visiting northern Peru as part of “Norte Pone campaign: History, gastronomy and nature to everyone”, launched today by Peru's Export and Tourism Promotion Board (Promperu) in order to promote tourist attractions of five departments.

According to Rocío Merino Loredo, head of Promperu’s Tourism Promotion Board, promotion campaign targets Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad and Cajamarca.

"Initiative aims to increase trips to northern destinations, boost business through trade channels and decentralize the national tourist industry," the official pointed out.

"Domestic and foreign tourists are expected to spend about S/.5 million (US$ 1.79 million)," she said at a press conference.
The campaign was launched today and will run until December 19th, it is supported by national tourism unions such as Peru’s National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur), the Peruvian Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies (Apavit), the Association of Hotels and Restaurants (Ahora) and Peru’s Hotel Society (SHP) among others.
These institutions offer tour packages with up to 48% discount; meanwhile, Lan Peru, Star Peru and Peruvian Airlines will give up to 55% discount on flight tickets.
For further information on tourist packages, visit Promperu’s website.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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