viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010


Hi My Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., Peru, maybe it is the country that has more wonderful places to be visited by the foreign tourists; from the ruins of the Civilization Incaica, the exuberant jungle amazónica, the beautiful valleys of the saw and the beautiful beaches of the coast. Here an image: National Park in Tingo Maria. Photo: Internet/Andina.
Central Peru aims to lure more tourists:
Lima, Nov. 25 (ANDINA). A tourism projects package including infrastructure improvements and staff training will be executed in Huanuco, central Peru, in order to increase the number of tourists and generate job opportunities in the area.

Specialists from the area are already working in the prefeasibility study. The projects will be carried out in the province of Leoncio Prado, located in Huanuco.

“The projects, which are worth five million soles and will be financed by the Regional Government of Huanuco are included in the participative budget”, said William Estrella, Tourism Director of Leoncio Prado province.

The exact location of the projects are the waterfalls of San Miguel, velo de las Ninfas (veil of the nymphs), the cave of the Tambos, the cave of las Pavas and the waterfalls of Santa Carmen.

Works in the city of Tingo Maria, located in Leoncio Prado, will be carried out in two lookouts (north and south). They will be remodeled with access points and the installation of handicraft stalls among other improvements.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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