domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010


Hi My Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., In the north of Peru they bloomed former many Civilizations as the Culture Mochica that used an advanced agriculture, to be able to cultivate the land in ideal conditions in spite of the difficult of the areas affected by inclement droughts or floods caused by torrential rains that from time to time Peruvian affects in the northern part with the " Current of the Child " "Corriente del Niño". In spite of all these so unfavorable conditions the former Peruvians of the north dominated the land and prospered in an advanced civilization. Friends of the whole world we invite to visit the Region Lambayeque, because besides museums they will be able to taste an exquisite food.
Here in the image we observe to : Inauguration of the Museum of Site in the complex of the Huaca Rajada - Sipán, located to 100 meters of the archaeological complex where there was discovered the tomb of the Master of Sipán. Lambayeque museums on December 24 and 31 will open as usual, but will close on December 25 and January 1. Photo: ANDINA / Alberto Orbegoso
Lambayeque museums expect over 330,000 tourists this year:
The six museums in the northern Lambayeque region expect to attract over 330,000 Peruvian and foreign tourists this year, an increase of almost 10 percent compared to 2009, director of the Executive Unit No. 111, Celso Sialer, said Thursday.

He said that throughout this year many delegations visited the Real Tombs of Sipan Museum, Bruning Archeological Museum, Sican National Museum, as well as site museums such as Tucume, Huaca Rajada-Sipan and Chotuna- Chornancap.

According to Sialer, the number of visitors in 2010 will exceed that of 2009 (304,872). “This will be accomplished thanks to the joint effort of different public and private institutions that contribute to sustainable tourism in our region.”

Local authorities are expecting an increase in foreign visitors who often come from the United States, Germany, China, Spain, France, England, Mexico, Holland, Ecuador, and other countries.

Sialer announced that museums will open on December 24 and 31 but will be closed on December 25 and January 1.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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