domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010


Hi my Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., Cajamarca is one of the most beautiful cities of Peru, with a typical miscegenation of origin Spanish and mixed with the incaico that they her make only in Peru. Cajamarca's valley is a resplendent cutlery of pastures and cattle that produce the best milk of the Peruvian north. Cajamarca like city founded by Spanish has many churches, his streets and his houses are with ceiling tile to two waters, his interest for the fighting bulls and the dance of the carnival they make of this city be visited by many tourists. Cajamarca fascinates every student of the Peruvian north, I itself was a student that from Ayabaca I visited the city as a trip of promotion in 1966. Cajamarca was the last city with an Inca Atahualpa who lost the throne in hands of the Spanish that for good or for evil it us follows up to the current importance. Friend visitor if it comes to Peru never stops visiting Cajamarca, as which they have the most beautiful women of the world.Here an image : Tourists in Cajamarca's Main Square. Photo: ANDINA / Eduard Lozano.
Over 50,000 students visited Cajamarca in September-November:
Cajamarca, Dec. 09 (ANDINA). Some 53,113 school students visited Cajamarca during their school trips between September and November, head of the Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Dircetur) in Cajamarca Julio Palacios Matute reported Thursday.

The students visited Jerusalen agricultural cooperative, which is also known as Porcon farm and considered one of Cajamarca’s main attractions due to its pine forest, mini zoo, trout farm, wood shop, and dairy products factory among others.

Palacios detailed that Porcon farm and Los Baños del Inca are the main attractions to measure tourist inflow.

“It is a place with many services like lodgings and restaurants. It also allows students and national and international tourists to carry out adventure sports”, added Palacios.

Palacios added that the number of students visiting Cajamarca could reach 55,000 considering that many people from Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, Amazonas, San Martin, La Libertad, Ancash and Lima visit Cajamarca during the first days of December.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

1 comentario:

  1. Hi there!
    I always save money in order to spend everything in my Buenos Aires travel on vacations this year!


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