domingo, 2 de enero de 2011


Hi my Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., The Peruvian North inside his territory encuentrana some of the most beautiful beaches of this part of the coast: Máncora, El Ñuro, Punta Sal, Los Organos, Puerto Pizarro, Cabo Blanco, Pimentel, Colán, etc. Friends of the whole world, we invite them to visit Peru and to enjoy the Sun in the northern beaches, they are so beautiful as any place of the Islands of Hawaii. Friends of the whole world if you are lovers of eating the best food and more exquisite, can savour it in the Peruvian north. Friends of the whole world we invite to have a good time and enjoy the Sun, all this summer in the beaches of the Peruvian north. Friends of The United States of America, Canada, Europe, we are waiting for them in the beaches of the Peruvian north to enjoy the best climate of the world in this summer. Friends of The United States of America specially of the north as from the State of Minnesota and from Minneapolis's city do not suffer with so much cold, only take his plane and we wait for them in the Peruvian north to enjoy the best climate of the world. Máncora: It is located in It Was Felling 238 kms. of Piura. It possesses beautiful beaches as the Pocitas, semicircular, broad beach and of calm waters. The name they take of the puddles that are formed when the sea moves back. The source of information of the image is:
Máncora a beautiful city and beach of the Peruvian north dresses from " The Faro ". The source of information of the image is:

Máncora in the inlet of the same name, to 180 Kms. de Piura. The beach has form of half moon and his soil is constituted by thin sand. His waters are calm but in the south sector it is possible to practise Hawaiian table since the movement of the waters is continuous.The source of information of the image is:
Northern beaches lovers to enjoy warm weather this year:
Lima, Jan. 02 (ANDINA). Bathers in Tumbes, Piura and Lambayeque will enjoy high temperatures of nearly 30 degrees Celsius in northern beaches on first days of next year, National Meteorological Agency (Senamhi) reported Friday.

“It is a tendency northern Peru will see this weekend. Sea water is still cold so the area will experience cloudy mornings these days ,” meteorologist stated to Andina News Agency.

Moreover, there will be early morning mist and cold sensation in southern Lima beaches, between Cañete and Pisco, so that bathers should bring warm clothes.

On the other hand, the weather in Arequipa beaches, southern Peru, will be excellent. The same situation will occur in Moquegua and Tacna, Senamhi added.
The source of information is: ANDINA.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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