jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011


Hi my Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., proudly we invite of the tourists of the world to visit Lambayeque that as the Northern Region of Lambayeque expects to receive more than 550,000 peruvian and foreign tourists this year. According to Lambayeque Economic Development Regional Manager Victor Miranda , who said deliberate efforts will be undertaken to improve Moche Route. The Civilization of Lambayeque was one of the most advanced between the 900 - 1250 A.D.Here in the image we observe to : Huaca Rajada Sipán Site Museum . Source of image: Andina

Miranda told Andina news agency that Lambayeque welcomed slightly more than 500,000 last year, and the estimated annual increase is 10 percent .

"So, andean region is likely to attract more than 750,000 tourists within the next four years", after the full implementation of the Moche Route, which includes attractions throughout the departament La Libertad and other local circuits.

The Regional Official Lambayeque will continue to promote ecological tourism. "We have huge natural resources to exploit, as it is case of "Lobos de Tierra" and island situate along the coast", he said.

He emphasized the tourism will turn into one of the most importants factors in the development of Lambayeque.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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