lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

PERUVIAN ARCHAEOLOGY:Three personages depicted on recently found polychromatic murals in Peru

Hi My Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., With the discovery of polychrome murals in Úcupe, the arqueológos try to decipher the origin of the Culture Lambayeque. The Archeologist Walter Alva, says that this discovery is the most former polychrome mural that leads us to the Culture Lambayeque. The Peruvian north is very rich in archaeological deposits of the very ancient cultures that existed before the Spanish invasion. Here in the image we observe to: Ucupe Palace located 39 kilometers (24 miles) from the city of Chiclayo. Photo: ANDINA/Silvia Depaz.

Lima, Mar. 14 (ANDINA). New polychromatic murals depicting three personages adorned with feathered headdresses -among them a particularly majestic individual flanked by two staffs or banners- were found at the Ucupe Palace located in Lambayeque region.

The discovery was made after a group of archaeologists resumed preservation and maintenance works at the archaeological complex located 39 kilometers (24 miles) from the city of Chiclayo.

Finds were presented to the press by the director of Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum Walter Alva after their recent discovery.

The finds are the latest in the series of discoveries over the past 28 years, adorned with feathers and a kind of false wings that remind us the image one of the Lambayeque golden jewels: The Tumi.

“It’s unique for this type of mural in ancient Peru,” Alva said, noting another mural in which personages are shown amid a festive scene.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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