martes, 22 de marzo de 2011


Hi My Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG.,With very much joy we must inform that the Peruvian Gastronomy continues standing out in the whole world. Now in the Organization of States Américanos we are admitted that we prepare the saucers mas delicious. Friends of the entire world we invite to visit Peru, and have the safety that they will enjoy the most exquisite food and the friendship of his people.Here in the image we observe: Peru's Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Industries, Bernardo Roca-Rey. Peruvian cuisine will be named Heritage of the Americas. Source of image: Andina.

Washington, Mar. 22 (ANDINA). Peruvian gastronomy merges worlds, is interactive, varied and creative, and moves its essence, recipes and cultural interior from one place to another, Peru's Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Industries, Bernardo Roca-Rey said Tuesday at the Organization of American States (OAS) headquarters in Washington.

In the framework of activities undertaken prior to the recognition of Peruvian gastronomy as Heritage of the Americas, Roca Rey stressed that Peruvian cuisine not only includes ethnic food, but also the one created by descendants of foreigners settled on Peruvian soil.

Roca Rey mentioned Nikkei food as an example, which was created by Peruvian-born descendants of Japanese immigrants; another highlight was the highly popular Chifa food, a creation made by the third generation Chinese immigrants; as well as many more features that enrich variety and identity of every dish.

“These dishes are as Peruvian as the others. Peruvian cuisine is alive and we need to preserve and protect its bio diversity”, the deputy minister stated.

Roca Rey recalled that Peruvian gastronomy became rich throughout history thanks to different colonies that arrived in the country, such as the Italian or the French.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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