domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011


Hi my Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG.,In the high mountains of Peru there exist thousands of small very crystalline lagoons that are the source of birth of rivers, there the purest water of the world exists and they constitute the water reservation of Peru. Cajamarca offers him to know these small lagoons that you will enjoy the best environment of the world. Friends tourists of the entire world we invite to visit Peru, here you will find all the climates and destinations of the entire world in landscapes panoramic and a delicious food. More than 280 lagoons will be promoted as agro-tourism attraction in Cajamarca. Lagoons of High Peru, located in San Paul's province, in Cajamarca. Photo: ANDEAN / Eduard Lozano

Cajamarca, Mar. 20 (ANDINA). Peruvian authorities in the northern Cajamarca region plan to promote the 284 lagoons of Alto Perú as an agro-tourism destination thanks to its rich diversity in flora and fauna.

The regional director for natural resources and environment, Sergio Sanchez, said his office is preparing an agro-tourism project to protect the lagoons and wildlife from mining activities.

Sanchez stressed the importance of this area for tourism as it features the Qhapaq Ñan or Inca Trail and varied wildlife including deers, viscachas and fish.

Five years ago, the area was granted in concession to Minera Yanacocha for exploration.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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