miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011


Hi my Friends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG.,Peru a thousand-year-old country and center of the Civilization Incaica, it continues promoting to the world tourism his Attractions; in the Spanish market. For this reason it will take part in the Fair of World Tourism that will be realized in Barcelona, Spain; Next April from 7 to 10 . Here in the image we observe the remains arqeológicos of the Tomb of the "Señor de Wari "in the Cusco. Photo: Andina
Here in the image we observe to The Tower Agbar, the skyscraper bigger Barcelona, with 34 floors and 145 meters of height. Source of information: Wikipedia.

Lima, Mar. 15 (ANDINA). Peru's Tourism and Export Promotion Board (PromPeru) will take part in the Catalonia International Tourism Show to be held in Barcelona (Spain) in order to promote, expose, consolidate and diversify Peruvian tourist attractions in the Spanish market.
The event is organized by Fira Barcelona and will take place from April 7 to 10.

According to a resolution published by Promperu, Karla Ruiz de Castilla will represent the Peruvian organization in this fair and will carry out all the activities related to the promotion of Peru’s tourist attractions.

Ruiz de Castilla will travel to Barcelona from April 4 to 12. She must submit a detailed report of activities and achievements once she comes back to the country.

Promperu is attached to Peru's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) and is competent to recommend and implement promotional plans and strategies of
exportable goods and services as well as domestic and receptive tourism by spreading the image of the country in terms of tourism and exports.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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