viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011

ASTRONOMY: Earth's Moon

Hi myFriends: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG.,THE MOON OBSERVED FROM THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION, I KNOW IT CAN SEE VERY BEAUTIFUL AND IT HAS A CAPTIVATION .................I LOVE TO THIS WONDERFUL SATELLITE...... Photographed by the Expedition 28 crew aboard the International Space Station, this image shows the moon, the Earth's only natural satellite, at center with the limb of Earth near the bottom transitioning into the orange-colored troposphere, the lowest and most dense portion of the Earth's atmosphere. The troposphere ends abruptly at the tropopause, which appears in the image as the sharp boundary between the orange- and blue-colored atmosphere. The silvery-blue noctilucent clouds extend far above the Earth's troposphere.
Image Credit: NASA

Guillermo Gonzalo Sanchez Achutegui

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