miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

ESA - Space in Images: Kangerdlugssuaq ice stream

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 Kangerdlugssuaq ice stream
 Kangerdlugssuaq glacier, Greenland

The Kangerdlugssuaq glacier and its ice stream are pictured in this week’s image, acquired on 19 September 2012 by Landsat-7. It is the largest outlet glacier on Greenland’s east coast, discharging ice into the surrounding oceans. In this image we can see hundreds of icebergs speckling the water. A recent study based on satellite observations revealed that over the past 20 years the ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica has contributed about 11 mm to the global sea-level rise. This image clearly shows the glacier’s calving front, where ice breaks away. Over the years, satellite images have shown that this front has retreated – an indication that the glacier is getting smaller over time. 
This image is featured on the Earth from Space video programme.
Credits: USGS/ESA
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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