domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

NASA - NASA Commercial Crew Partner Boeing Completes Launch Vehicle Adapter Review

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., la Agencia Espacial NASA , nos informa que ya completó la revisión de un un componente llamado: the Launch Vehicle Adapter  que se adaptaría al vehículo comercial de la BOING para su lanzamiento.
Boing es una de las tres principales empresas que trabaja NASA, desde hace media década que unidos le permitirá desarrollar iniciativas que tarde o temprano permitirán su disponibilidad para los servicios humanos que la NASA tiene para enviar astronautas a la Estación Espacial Internacional.
Los invito a leer la información original en inglés...........
Boeing Completes Launch Vehicle Adapter Review
CST-100 at Pad Image above: Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket stands ready for liftoff in this artist's concept. Image credit: Boeing The Boeing Company of Houston, a NASA Commercial Crew Program (CCP) partner, has successfully completed a preliminary design review (PDR) of the component that would connect the company's new crew capsule to its rocket. 
 The review is one of six performance milestones Boeing has completed for NASA's Commercial Crew Integrated Capability (CCiCap) initiative, which is intended to make available commercial human spaceflight services for government and commercial customers. The company is on track to complete all 19 of its milestones during CCiCap. 
 Boeing is one of three U.S. companies NASA is working with during CCiCap to set the stage for a crewed orbital demonstration mission around the middle of the decade. Future development and certification initiatives eventually will lead to the availability of human spaceflight services for NASA to send its astronauts to the International Space Station.
 The component that was reviewed is called the Launch Vehicle Adapter. The critical structure is being designed by United Launch Alliance (ULA) to join Boeing's Crew Space Transportation-100 (CST-100) spacecraft to ULA's Atlas V rocket, just above the rocket's second stage. 
 "Solid systems engineering integration is critical to the design of a safe system," said Ed Mango, NASA's CCP manager. "Boeing and all of NASA's partner companies are working to build in proper systems integration into their designs. This review with Boeing and their partner ULA was a good review of the current state of these important design interfaces."
 In recent weeks, teams from NASA, Boeing and ULA met at ULA's headquarters in Denver, Colo., to assess requirements and capabilities to safely launch people into low-Earth orbit from U.S. soil once again. The PDR was a culmination of early development and preliminary analysis to demonstrate the design is ready to proceed with detailed engineering.
 "The PDR was an outstanding integrated effort by the Boeing, ULA and NASA teams," said John Mulholland, vice president and program manager of Boeing Commercial Programs. "The ULA design leverages the heritage hardware of the Atlas V to integrate with the CST-100, setting the baseline for us to proceed to wind tunnel testing and the Launch Segment-level PDR in June." 
 In addition to the Launch Vehicle Adapter PDR, Boeing recently completed two additional CCiCap milestones, including the Engineering Release (ER) 2.0 software release and the Landing and Recovery Ground Systems and Ground Communications design review.
 The ER 2.0 software release was completed Jan. 25 in Boeing's Avionics and Software Integration Facility Lab in Houston. This test laid the foundation for the software structure to control and fly the spacecraft, as well as communicate with pilots and ground systems. 
 The landing and recovery ground systems and ground communications design review Jan. 16 to 18 in Titusville, Fla., established the baseline plan for equipment and infrastructure needed for CST-100 spacecraft ground communications and landing and recovery operations.
 For more information about NASA's Commercial Crew Program, visit:

Boeing CST-100 launch
Image above: This is an artist's concept of Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft separating from the first stage of its launch vehicle, a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, following liftoff from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Image credit: Boeing

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CST-100 at Space Station
Image above: This artist's concept shows Boeing's Crew Space Transportation spacecraft, or CST-100, approaching the International Space Station. Boeing is working in collaboration with NASA's Commercial Crew Program to develop a service to take astronauts to destinations such as the space station. Image credit: Boeing

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Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
 Inscríbete en el Foro del blog y participa : A Vuelo De Un Quinde el blog

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