lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

NASA - NASA Announces Global Best in Class Winners for the International Space Apps Challenge

Science and Maintenance for Station Crew, New Crew Members Prep for Launch
JSC2013-E-048417 -- Expedition 36-37 crew members At the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Expedition 36/37 Flight Engineers Karen Nyberg (left), Fyodor Yurchikhin (center) and Luca Parmitano pose for pictures in front of their Soyuz TMA-09M spacecraft. Credit: NASA/Victor Zelentsov
The three Expedition 36 crew members currently living and working aboard the International Space Station wrapped up another busy week of science experiments and research Friday, while three new crew members continued preparations in Kazakhstan for a launch to the orbiting laboratory on Tuesday.
 Flight Engineer Chris Cassidy harvested some of the plants that are part of the Seedling Growth experiment. This looks at how plants grow in space, which is important not only for studying how plants grow on Earth, but also how astronauts on future space missions could grow their own food.
 Cassidy also performed some checkout activities on one of the Columbus science racks and took some detailed photos of the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer so ground teams can analyze how the scientific instrument is operating. 
 Commander Pavel Vinogradov continued to work on the installation of the new treadmill in the Russian segment of the station, installing and testing a low-noise fan that is part of the assembly.
 Vinogradov also tested some of the video equipment that will be used during the upcoming arrival of the European Space Agency’s Automated Transfer Vehicle-4 in June and during the docking of the Soyuz TMA-09M spacecraft on Tuesday. 
 Flight Engineer Alexander Misurkin completed some routine maintenance in the Russian segment of the station, cleaning the ventilation system and replacing dust filter cartridges. 
 Meanwhile at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, three new Expedition 36 crew members are preparing to join their orbiting crewmates. Soyuz Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin and Flight Engineers Karen Nyberg and Luca Parmitano are set to launch aboard the Soyuz TMA-09M spacecraft Tuesday at 4:31 p.m. EDT. The new space trio will dock to the Rassvet module just four orbits – or about six hours – later.

NASA Announces Global Best in Class Winners for the International Space Apps Challenge
WASHINGTON -- A panel of international judges from NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and other partner organizations has selected five "best in class" solutions as winners of the 2013 International Space Apps Challenge.

The challenge, in which participants developed software, hardware, data visualization, and mobile or Web applications that contribute to space exploration missions and help improve life on Earth, took place at 83 locations around the world April 20-21.

The winners are:

-- Best Use of Data: Sol (Kansas City)
Sol is the world's first interplanetary weather application. Users can select a planet and view the weather there, as they might view the weather on Earth by typing a postal code. The Sol team also built the Mars Atmospheric Aggregation System (MAAS) API, used to fuel several of the Mars weather applications produced during the challenge.

-- Best Use of Hardware: ISS Base Station (Philadelphia)
ISS Base Station is a hardware-software co-design project both expanding the Spot The Station Web app and allowing for a physical manifestation of its data. The software side of the project consists of a simple Web app that tracks the position of the International Space Station (ISS) in real time over a map of the world and connects to an augmented-reality iOS app that allows the user to find the station in the sky. The hardware side consists of a physical device that receives data from the app and points at the current location of the space station, lighting up when the station is within the user's area.

-- Best Mission Concept: Popeye on Mars (Athens, Greece)
Popeye on Mars is a deployable, reusable spinach greenhouse for Mars. Internally, a fully equipped aeroponic, or air garden, system operates for 45 days, having all the needed resources, sensors, and electronic systems to stabilize the internal environment and help the spinach grow. Also, there are systems for harvesting both the plants and the oxygen produced during the growth process. Photovoltaic panels provide power, while several cover layers protect the system against extreme Mars conditions.

-- Galactic Impact: Greener Cities (Gothenburg, Sweden)
The Greener Cities Project seeks to complement NASA satellite climate data with crowd-sourced microclimate data, providing higher resolution information for monitoring the environment. The design includes a low-cost garden monitoring sensor, aggregation and normalization of local environmental data, and scaling a global educational initiative for children to encourage interest in programming and the environment.

-- Most Inspiring: T-10 (London)
T-10 is a prototype mobile application for use on the International Space Station. Astronauts can program in specific points of interest they wish to photograph, and T-10 will alert them shortly before the station is set to fly over that location if the current weather permits photography. The app also can alert astronauts to interesting weather phenomena and upload photos directly to Twitter, as well as alert Earth-based users when the ISS will fly overhead.

Social media users around the world joined the judging action to vote for their favorite projects. The solution with the most public votes, receiving the People's Choice Award, was ChicksBook. Developed in Sofia, Bulgaria, ChicksBook is a functional web, Android, and iOs application that can help the user learn how to raise chickens and manage the data for a backyard farm.

During the event 770 solutions were submitted and 133 of those were nominated for global judging. Submissions had to include a two-minute video and be nominated by a local challenge lead to qualify for global judging.

To learn more about the International Space Apps Challenge and recent winners, visit:

For information about NASA's programs and missions, visit:

Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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