domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

NASA - NASA Statement on New Manufacturing Innovation Institutes

 Before unpiloted or remotely piloted aircraft can safely operate in the same airspace as other, piloted aircraft, robotic aircraft and their operators will need to demonstrate a high level of operational robustness and the ability to "sense and avoid" other air traffic. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems Airspace Operations Challenge (UAS AOC) is focused on developing some of the key technologies that will make UAS integration into the National Airspace System possible.

This competition is being formulated as part of NASA's Centennial Challenge Program, which is designed to foster individual, academic, and private sector innovation to solve difficult problems that are important to NASA and the nation. This Centennial Challenge will be conducted in two parts: Phase 1 of the Challenge is scheduled to be held in Spring, 2014 and Phase 2 of the Challenge will be held approximately one year after Phase 1 has been successfully completed.

Phase 1 of the Challenge focuses on important aspects of safe airspace operations, robustness to system failures, and seeks to encourage competitors to get an early start on developing some of the skills critical to Phase 2. Specific skills that Phase 1 competitors will need to demonstrate include:
  • Safe Airspace Operations:
    • Separation Assurance using ADS-B
    • 4 Dimensional Trajectories
    • Ground Control Operations
  • Robustness to System Failures:
    • Lost Link
    • GPS Unavailable
    • GPS Unreliable
  • Preparation for Phase 2 Competition:
    • Uncooperative Air Traffic Detection
There are other technical challenges that must be solved to enable the integration of UAS in the NAS, but a competitor that successfully demonstrates the skills required in Phase 1 will be able to field a robust UAS that is significantly closer to the goals of UAS-NAS integration embodied in the NextGen Airspace Concept. The total prize money available for Phase 1 of the competition is $500,000.

The latest version of the draft rules for this competition can be found here:

NASA Statement on New Manufacturing Innovation Institutes
WASHINGTON -- The following is a statement from NASA Associate Administrator for Space Technology Michael Gazarik about Thursday's announcement from the Obama Administration that it is launching competitions to create three new manufacturing innovation institutes supported by five federal agencies -- NASA, the National Science Foundation and the departments of Defense, Energy, and Commerce.

"The president's announcement today of three new Manufacturing Innovation Institutes continues the momentum needed to address a crucial competitiveness challenge – the need to close the gap between research and development activities and the deployment of technological innovations that benefits American manufacturers and American-made goods.

"Through NASA's ongoing participation in the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, we are assuring the aerospace community, and all American manufacturers, have access to the new knowledge and technology capabilities that are essential for turning research discoveries, inventions and new ideas into better or novel products. Advanced manufacturing, for and in space, holds great promise for NASA as we move forward with our exploration efforts.

"The new technology economy of the 21st century is driven by innovation. This is why NASA has been fully engaged with our partners in the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute in Youngstown, Ohio. We look forward to working with the other stakeholders in these new institutes, recognizing they will provide the fuel for America's innovation engine. NASA is proud to help keep that engine running."

For more information about the new manufacturing innovation institutes, visit:

For more information about NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, visit:
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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