jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

NASA - Feeling the Heat

Feeling the Heat
Super heated exhaust is a byproduct of engine testing in the Engine Research Building (ERB) at NASA’s Glenn Research Center.
Generally, the tests involve burning fuel or using heated air in engine test cells. The exhaust from the tests can approach 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. To protect the building systems and for the safety of the occupants, water is sprayed into the hot exhaust to cool the air quickly. The water is then sent to cooling towers to recirculate for the duration of the tests.
The buildings in the ERB complex are some of the first buildings constructed at NASA Glenn. This building contains the electrical switchgear that operates support systems for engine testing and other facilities at Lewis Field.
Image Credit: NASA
Marvin G. Smith (Wyle Information Systems, LLC)
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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