martes, 22 de octubre de 2013 - National Science Foundation - In wake of Hurricane Sandy, Oklahoma tornadoes, NSF awards $32 million in hazards sustainability grants

Scientists will study ways of predicting and responding to hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires
Image showing coastal region with colapsed highways and houses demaged by hurricane Sandy
NSF Hazards Sustainability scientists will study hurricane evacuation during storms like Sandy.
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October 21, 2013
Sandy: the deadliest and most destructive hurricane of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season and the second-costliest hurricane in U.S. history. Damage estimates from the storm surpass $68 billion, a total exceeded only by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
With Sandy's one-year anniversary--October 29th--on the horizon, how do scientists better predict and respond to natural hazards such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and wildfires?
To find answers, the National Science Foundation (NSF) recently awarded 12 new grants totaling $32 million through its Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters solicitation. The effort is part of NSF's Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES) investment.
Hazards SEES is funded by several NSF directorates: Geosciences; Engineering; Social, Economic and Behavioral Sciences; Mathematical and Physical Sciences; and Computer and Information Science and Engineering.
The awards will advance understanding of natural hazards and of technological hazards linked with natural phenomena. They will also improve capabilities for predicting these hazards, mitigating their effects and enhancing the capacity to respond to and recover from natural disasters.
Hazards SEES projects cross the boundaries of the atmospheric and geospace, earth and ocean sciences; computer and information science; cyberinfrastructure; engineering; mathematics and statistics; and social, economic and behavioral sciences.
"Through the Hazards SEES program, NSF has made investments in research that will reduce the impact of natural hazards, enhance safety, and contribute to sustainability," says Roger Wakimoto, NSF assistant director for Geosciences.
"When we face such impending disasters as Hurricane Sandy or the Oklahoma tornadoes, it's critical that we have already developed ways of responding to and recovering from such devastating events."
Hazards SEES scientists and engineers will conduct research on such topics as the integration of natural, human and infrastructure systems for hurricane evacuation and sheltering; volcanic crises in the United States: from precursors to resilience; next-generation warning systems for tornadoes and flash floods; and magnitude 9 earthquake scenarios: modeling, warnings and response and resilience in the Pacific Northwest.
Other projects include predicting landslide hazards; promoting regional resilience to repeated heat waves and hurricanes; preventing flood hazards from becoming disasters through communication of parcel-level flood risk; and developing monitoring, prediction and resilience cyberinfrastructure for wildfires.
"We hope to find new ways of 'beating the storm,'" says Wakimoto, "in whatever form it may arrive."
2013 Hazards SEES Awards
 Ilkay Altintas, University of California San Diego
Additional Collaborators: Michael Gollner, University of Maryland College Park
 Jean-Paul Ampuero, California Institute of Technology
Additional Collaborators: Jeannette Sutton, U. of Colorado, Colorado Springs
 Louise Comfort, University of Pittsburgh
Additional Collaborators: Kathleen Carley, Carnegie Mellon University; Emile Okal, Northwestern University; Lee Freitag, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
 Rachel Davidson, University of Delaware
Additional Collaborators: Linda Nozick, Cornell University; Brian Colle, Stony Brook University/SUNY; Brian Blanton, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; Randall Kolar, University of Oklahoma
 Craig Glennie, University of Houston
Seth Guikema, Johns Hopkins University
Additional Collaborators: Celso Ferreira, George Mason University; Robin Dillon-Merrill, Georgetown University; Katie O'Meara, Maryland Institute College of Art; Margaret Walls, Resources for the Future Inc.
 Bruce Houghton, University of Hawaii
Additional Collaborators: Robert Wolpert, Duke University; M. J. Bayarri, Marquette University; Michael Lindell, Texas A&M University; Greg Valentine, University of Buffalo; Michael Manga, University of California Berkeley
 Rebecca Morss, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Additional Collaborators: C. Michael Barton, Arizona State University; Leysia Palen, University of Colorado Boulder
Additional Collaborators: V. Chandrasekar, Colorado State University; Joseph Trainor, University of Delaware
 Brett Sanders, University of California Irvine
Additional Collaborators: Edmund Balsdon, San Diego State University; Kristen Goodrich, Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association
Colin Stark, Columbia University
John Vidale, University of Washington
Media Contacts Cheryl Dybas, NSF (703) 292-7734
Photo of tornado in the field
Hazards Sustainability awardees will study ways of predicting, responding to tornadoes.
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Wildfire in a forest
Hazards SEES researchers will develop cyberinfrastructure for monitoring, prediction of wildfires.
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Volcanic eruption
What are the precursors to volcanic eruptions? Hazards SEES grantees are looking for answers.
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Houses damaged by the earthquake in Haiti.
Scientists will study earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest; quake damage here is in Haiti.
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People running away from a tsunami-caused wave
Improved tsunami alerts and warnings are among the subjects Hazards SEES scientists will research.
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Related WebsitesScience, Engineering and Education for Sustainability NSF-Wide Investment (SEES):
NSF Publication: Discoveries in Sustainability:
NSF News: NSF awards first coastal sustainability grants for research on world's most populated areas:
NSF News: Long-Buried New Jersey Seawall Spared Coastal Homes From Hurricane Sandy's Wrath:
NSF News: Where, When Will Thunderstorms Strike Colorado's Front Range, Adjacent Great Plains?:
NSF News: Incoming! Then Outgoing! Waves Generated by Russian Meteor Recorded Crossing the U.S.:
NSF Discovery Article: High-peak Creeks, Forest Fires and Landscape Erosion: Could They Be Linked?:
NSF Discovery Article: Trail of Fire Leads to Less Snow, Threatened Water Resources:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering. In fiscal year (FY) 2012, its budget was $7.0 billion. NSF funds reach all 50 states through grants to nearly 2,000 colleges, universities and other institutions. Each year, NSF receives about 50,000 competitive requests for funding, and makes about 11,500 new funding awards. NSF also awards about $593 million in professional and service contracts yearly.
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The National Science Foundation (NSF)
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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