martes, 17 de junio de 2014

NASA : Astronauts Watch the World Cup Aboard the International Space Station

Astronauts Watch the World Cup Aboard the International Space Station
NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Steve Swanson and ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst take a break to watch ten minutes of live World Cup matches between science experiments while living and working aboard the International Space Station.
At the start of  the crew sent down a special message to wish good luck to all the players and teams as they compete in World Cup 2014 in Brazil until the final match July 13. The astronauts have trained for years to work together as a unified crew, but the U.S. astronauts and their German crewmate are feeling a little friendly competition: their home countries will play against each other for a chance to advance out of Group G of the World Cup matches. USA and Germany face off on June 26 at Arena Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil.
Image Credit: NASA
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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