domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

NASA : NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly Shares Bullying Prevention Message Ahead of His One-Year Mission

Hola Amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., la Agencia Espacial NASA, nos informa sobre la campaña contra la intimidación y esto nos dice....."
De Scott Kelly, un veterano astronauta de la NASA y el futuro residente de la Estación Espacial Internacional un año de duración, habla en contra de la intimidación como parte de las agencias federales en la campaña de Prevención de la Intimidación. Octubre es el Mes de Concientización Nacional de Prevención de la Intimidación, y Kelly planea apoyar el esfuerzo contra el acoso escolar durante su próxima misión de un año a bordo de la estación espacial que se inicia con un lanzamiento el 03 2015 ..................
Astronauta de la NASA Scott J. Kelly, quien está programado para volar en una misión de vuelo espacial de un año en 2015, está prestando su voz para ayudar a reducir la intimidación de la  infancia. Como parte del Mes de Concientización sobre la Prevención de la Intimidación, Kelly grabó un mensaje especial alentando transeúntes a tomar medidas...................
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Scott Kelly, a veteran NASA astronaut and future year-long resident of the International Space Station, speaks out against bullying as part of the Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention campaign. October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, and Kelly plans to support the anti-bullying effort during his upcoming one-year mission aboard the space station that begins with a March 2015 launch.
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NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, who is scheduled to fly on a one-year spaceflight mission in 2015, is lending his voice to help reduce childhood bullying. As part of Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, Kelly recorded a special message encouraging bystanders to take action.
"Be more than just a bystander," said Kelly in the message. "Take action and do something to stop bullying…Teamwork makes the dream work at NASA. There is no space for bullying."
Kelly, a father of two daughters, grew up in Orange, New Jersey, and feels his role as an astronaut is a valuable platform to reach students and help spread the message against bullying.
"I felt compelled to act after hearing about the various cases of bullying around the country last year. I thought of my own daughters, and I recalled my experiences as a child watching other kids bully others without accountability,” Kelly said. “Bullying affects not only the child adversely but also stunts our growth as a society. It is everyone's responsibility to stand up against bullying."
The message will be part of a larger cross-federal agency prevention effort which includes the White House and U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Education, Justice, Agriculture and Defense.
Kelly and Russian cosmonauts Mikhail Kornienko and Gennady Padalka will launch to the International Space Station in March 2015. Kelly and Kornienko will remain aboard until March 2016, supporting a joint U.S./Russian research program. The goal is to obtain maximum scientific benefits from the unique mission.
To view Kelly's message, visit:
For more information about Kelly's one-year mission, visit:
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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