domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

NASA: Exploring the World's Protected Areas from Space.- Exploración de Áreas protegidas del mundo desde el espacio

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., la Agencia Espacial NASA, nos informa sobre la captación maravillosa de imágenes desde el espacio a al Tierra, tales como El Parque Nacional Egmont en Nueva Zelanda,
NASA, nos dice: ..."Un nuevo libro publicado esta semana pone de relieve cómo se está utilizando la vista desde el espacio con sensores que orbitan la Tierra para proteger a algunos de los más interesantes del mundo, el cambio, lugares amenazados . Desde el espacio, el Parque Nacional Egmont en Nueva Zelanda muestra los beneficios y limitaciones de las áreas protegidas. En esta imagen del Landsat 8 adquirió el 3 de julio de 2014, el parque, con el Monte Taranaki en su centro, se estableció en 1900. Esta isla aislada de bosque protegido (zonas de color verde oscuro) está rodeada de pastizales otrora boscosas (marrón claro y verde)....."

Exploring the World's Protected Areas from Space
A new book released this week highlights how the view from space with Earth-orbiting sensors is being used to protect some of the world’s most interesting, changing, and threatened places. From space, Egmont National Park in New Zealand shows the benefits and limitations of protected areas. In this Landsat 8 image acquired on July 3, 2014, the park, with Mt. Taranaki at its center, was established in 1900. This isolated island of protected forest (dark green areas) is surrounded by once-forested pasturelands (light and brown green).
“Sanctuary: Exploring the World’s Protected Areas from Space,” published by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (Arlington, Virginia) with support from NASA, debuted at the 2014 World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia. In the book’s foreword, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden writes, “NASA and numerous other space agency partners from around the globe have used this view from space to make incredible scientific advances in our understanding of how our planet works. As a result, we can now better gauge the impact of human activity on our environment and measure how and why our atmosphere, oceans, and land are changing. As a former astronaut who has looked upon our beautiful planet from space, I hope that we can advance the use of space-based remote sensing and other geospatial tools to study, understand, and improve the management of the world’s parks and protected areas as well as the precious biodiversity that thrives within their borders.”
Image Credit: NASA/USGS
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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