domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015

NASA : The Shuttle Enterprise .- Astronaut Salutes Nimoy From Orbit .- NASA Administrator Remembers Leonard Nimoy | NASA

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., hemos recibido de la Agencia Espacial NASA, la comunicación siguiente: En 1976, el transbordador espacial de la NASA, la empresa puso en marcha de las instalaciones de fabricación de Palmdale y fue recibido por funcionarios de la NASA y los miembros del reparto de la serie de televisión de la 'Star Trek'.
De izquierda a derecha son: administrador de la NASA Dr. James D. Fletcher; DeForest Kelley, quien interpretó Dr. "Bones" McCoy en la serie; George Takei (Sulu); James Doohan (ingeniero jefe Montgomery "Scotty" Scott); Nichelle Nichols (Teniente Uhura); Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock); creador de la serie de Gene Roddenberry; Rep EE.UU. Don Fuqua. (D.-Fla.); y, Walter Koenig (Ensign Pavel Chekov).
NASA está de luto por el fallecimiento hoy 27 de febrero de 2015, del actor Leonard Nimoy, el más famoso por su papel como oficial científico vulcano de Star Trek Spock. El clásico de ciencia ficción sirvió de inspiración para muchos en la NASA durante los años, y Nimoy se unió a otros miembros del reparto en eventos especiales de la NASA y trabajó para promover misiones de la NASA, como en este video 2007 narró antes del lanzamiento de la misión Dawn de la cinturón de asteroides. Nimoy también estaba allí para el 1976 lanzamiento de la lanzadera de la empresa, el nombre de la nave espacial icónico de la serie.

Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) | Twitter Traducir esta página
1783 tweets • 148 photos/videos • 1.19M followers. Check out the latest Tweets from Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy)
The Shuttle Enterprise
In 1976, NASA's space shuttle Enterprise rolled out of the Palmdale manufacturing facilities and was greeted by NASA officials and cast members from the 'Star Trek' television series.

From left to right they are: NASA Administrator Dr. James D. Fletcher; DeForest Kelley, who portrayed Dr. "Bones" McCoy on the series; George Takei (Mr. Sulu); James Doohan (Chief Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott); Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura); Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock); series creator Gene Roddenberry;  U.S. Rep. Don Fuqua (D.-Fla.); and, Walter Koenig (Ensign Pavel Chekov).
NASA is mourning the passing today, Feb. 27, 2015, of actor Leonard Nimoy, most famous for his role as Star Trek's Vulcan science officer Mr. Spock. The sci-fi classic served as an inspiration for many at NASA over the years, and Nimoy joined other cast members at special NASA events and worked to promote NASA missions, as in this 2007 video he narrated before the launch of the Dawn mission to the asteroid belt. Nimoy also was there for the 1976 rollout of the shuttle Enterprise, named for the show's iconic spacecraft.

Image Credit: NASA

NASA Administrator Remembers Leonard Nimoy
The following is a statement from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on the passing of Leonard Nimoy:
“Leonard Nimoy was an inspiration to multiple generations of engineers, scientists, astronauts, and other space explorers. As Mr. Spock, he made science and technology important to the story, while never failing to show, by example, that it is the people around us who matter most.
“NASA was fortunate to have him as a friend and a colleague. He was much more than the Science Officer for the USS Enterprise. Leonard was a talented actor, director, philanthropist, and a gracious man dedicated to art in many forms.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and the legions of Star Trek fans around the world.”
Astronaut Salutes Nimoy From Orbit
International Space Station astronaut Terry Virts (@AstroTerry) tweeted this image of a Vulcan hand salute from orbit as a tribute to actor Leonard Nimoy, who died on Friday, Feb. 27, 2015. Nimoy played science officer Mr. Spock in the Star Trek series that served as an inspiration to generations of scientists, engineers and sci-fi fans around the world.
Cape Cod and Boston, Massachusetts, Nimoy's home town, are visible through the station window.

NASA Remembers Leonard Nimoy
February 27, 2015

NASA is mourning the passing of actor Leonard Nimoy, most famous for his role as Star Trek's Vulcan science officer Mr. Spock. The sci-fi classic served as an inspiration for many at NASA over the years, and Nimoy joined other cast members at special NASA events and worked to promote NASA missions, as in this 2007 video he narrated before the launch of the Dawn mission to the asteroid belt. Nimoy also was there for the 1976 rollout of the shuttle Enterprise, named for the show's iconic spacecraft.
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden issued the following statement upon hearing of Nimoy's passing: “Leonard Nimoy was an inspiration to multiple generations of engineers, scientists, astronauts, and other space explorers. As Mr. Spock, he made science and technology important to the story, while never failing to show, by example, that it is the people around us who matter most. NASA was fortunate to have him as a friend and a colleague. He was much more than the Science Officer for the USS Enterprise. Leonard was a talented actor, director, philanthropist, and a gracious man dedicated to art in many forms. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and the legions of Star Trek fans around the world.”

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, soon to launch on a one-year mission to the International Space Station, and current station astronaut Sam Cristoforetti joined others sharing their thoughts on Twitter.
Nimoy's own final tweet, posted on Feb. 23, signed off like all his tweets, with "LLAP," an abbreviation for Spock's "Live Long and Prosper."
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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