jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

NASA : NASA Holds Media Opportunities to Discuss Rising Sea Levels .- NASA celebra Oportunidades con los medios para hablar sobre los niveles del mar

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., hemos recibido información  de la Agencia Espacial NASA, sobre lo que está sucediendo con el aumento de los mares y los deshielos de Groenlandia, que constituye un evento  tratado con amplitud con los medios de comunicación.
NASA, nos dice: "En una serie de oportunidades de los medios de comunicación Miércoles, 26 de agosto hasta el viernes, 28 de agosto de expertos de la NASA presentará una visión global actualizada sobre las condiciones actuales y futuras proyecciones de aumento del nivel del mar.

A partir de trabajo de campo en la capa de hielo de Groenlandia este verano, a las nuevas vistas de satélite de los cambios del nivel del mar en todo el mundo, "Mares" El aumento de los eventos  de la NASA
proporcionarán la última evaluación de la comprensión científica de este problema ambiental global...."

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NASA Discusses rising sea levels
Credits: NASA
In a series of media opportunities Wednesday, Aug. 26 through Friday, Aug. 28, NASA experts will present an up-to-date global outlook on current conditions and future projections of sea level rise.
From fieldwork on the Greenland ice sheet this summer, to new satellite views of sea level changes around the world, NASA’s “Rising Seas” events will provide the latest assessment of scientific understanding of this global environmental issue.
NASA will host a media teleconference at 12:30 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, Aug. 26 to discuss recent insights on sea level rise and the continuing challenge of predicting how fast and how much sea level will rise. The panelists for this briefing are:
  • Michael Freilich, director of NASA’s Earth Science Division at the agency’s headquarters in Washington
  • Steve Nerem, lead for NASA’s Sea Level Change Team at the University of Colorado in Boulder
  • Josh Willis, oceanographer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California
  • Eric Rignot, glaciologist at the University of California, Irvine and JPL
To participate, media must email their name and affiliation to Steve Cole at stephen.e.cole@nasa.gov by 11 a.m. on Wednesday. Media and the public also may ask questions during the briefing on Twitter using the hashtag #askNASA.
Audio of the briefing will stream live at:
On Thursday, Aug. 27 NASA scientists will be available for live satellite television interviews about the latest sea level research and new visualizations of global sea level changes and ice loss in Greenland and Antarctica. Interviews are available from 5:45 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. For more information, contact Michelle Handleman at michelle.z.handleman@nasa.gov by Wednesday.
At 1 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 28, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, will host a live TV program about agency research into how and why the massive Greenland ice sheet is changing. The event features scientists actively conducting field work in Greenland, along with extensive video footage of their work performed over this summer. Panelists include:
  • Tom Wagner, cryosphere program scientist with NASA’s Earth Science Division
  • Laurence Smith, chair of the University of California, Los Angeles Department of Geography
  • Mike Bevis, professor of geodynamics at Ohio State University in Columbus
  • Sophie Nowicki, physical scientist at Goddard
  • Josh Willis, JPL
Media and social media are invited to attend the event. To register for the limited seats available, email your name, affiliation and social media account names to Aries Keck at aries.keck@nasa.gov by noon on Thursday. Registrants should plan to arrive at the Goddard Visitor’s Center at 8800 Greenbelt Rd. by 12 p.m. on Friday.
The Friday program will air live on NASA TV and stream online at:

To ask questions via social media during the televised event, use the hashtag #askNASA.
Follow the conversation about NASA’s ongoing research into sea level rise on social media with the new @NASA_SeaLevel accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ and the hashtag #EarthRightNow.
As Earth’s oceans continue to warm, and its ice sheets continue to show signs of accelerated change, NASA is pursuing answers to how quickly seas could rise in the future. Scientists worldwide use NASA data to tackle some of the toughest questions about how our planet is changing. Using the vantage point of space, NASA is pioneering research into how changes in the ocean, ice sheets, glaciers and Earth’s surface combine to produce global changes in sea level.
For more information about NASA's Earth science programs, visit:
Steve Cole
Headquarters, Washington
Last Updated: Aug. 20, 2015
Editor: Karen Northon
Tags:  Water

NASA's SMAP Releases First Calibrated Data

Artist's rendering of the Soil Moisture Active Passive satellite
Artist's rendering of the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite. The width of the region scanned on Earth's surface during each orbit is about 620 miles (1,000 kilometers).
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech
In a major milestone, scientists have completed their initial calibration of the two instruments on NASA's new Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite observatory, launched Jan. 31.
The work paves the way for upcoming activities to validate SMAP science data against ground measurements, leading to the planned release of SMAP soil moisture data products to the international science community this fall and the release of fully validated data next spring.
The calibration activities reveal SMAP's radar calibration stability to be within 1 decibel, and SMAP's radiometer calibration stability within 1 Kelvin. The calibration work allows SMAP data users to familiarize themselves with partially calibrated, or "beta" data, while the full calibration activities are being completed. The "beta-level" radiometer and radar data products were made available for public release July 31 through the National Snow and Ice Data Center and the Alaska Satellite Facility. The fully calibrated data will be released in early November of 2015.
SMAP's minimum three-year mission will map global soil moisture and detect whether soils are frozen or thawed. The mission will help scientists understand the links between Earth's water, energy and carbon cycles; help reduce uncertainties in predicting weather and climate; and enhance our ability to monitor and predict natural hazards such as floods and droughts.
SMAP radiometer data have been processed to map microwave emissions from Earth's surface, expressed as brightness temperatures in Kelvin and at a horizontal spatial resolution of about 25 miles (40 kilometers). SMAP's radar began regular operations on April 13, but stopped transmitting July 7 due to an anomaly that is still being investigated by the SMAP team at JPL. The available radar data have been processed to produce coarse-resolution (3.1-by-18.6 mile, or 5-by-30-kilometer) global data products and high-resolution (0.6-mile, or 1-kilometer) data products over land surfaces and coastal oceans.
For more information on SMAP, visit:
For more information about NASA's Earth science activities, visit:
Updated 8/6/15 at 3:10 p.m. PDT to correct resolution numbers in last paragraph.
Alan Buis
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California
Last Updated: Aug. 6, 2015
Editor: Tony Greicius
Tags:  Climate, Earth, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Land, SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive), Water
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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