domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

NASA : NASA TV to Air Event Marking Arrival of Test Orion Powerhouse .- NASA TV para eventos Aire Marcado Llegada de prueba Orion Casa de Máquinas

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., El artículo de prueba estructural del módulo de servicio europeo de Orion está siendo ensamblado en Airbus Defensa y Espacio. Airbus está construyendo el módulo, que abastecerá de energía de la nave espacial, propulsión en el espacio y el aire y el agua para la tripulación, en nombre de la ESA (Agencia Espacial Europea) para Orión. El STA está siendo transportado a la estación de Plum Brook Glenn Research Center para la prueba.
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Orion service module
The structural test article of the European service module for Orion is being assembled at Airbus Defence and Space. Airbus is building the module, which will supply the spacecraft’s power, in-space propulsion and air and water for the crew, on behalf of ESA (European Space Agency) for Orion. The STA is being transported to Glenn Research Center's Plum Brook station for testing.
Credits: NASA
NASA Television will broadcast an event marking the arrival of a full-size test version of the service module provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) for NASA’s Orion spacecraft at 12:30 p.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 30 at the agency’s Plum Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio.

Orion spacecraft
NASA’s Orion spacecraft will be the exploration vehicle that will carry humans farther into space than ever before, provide emergency abort capability, sustain the crew during the space travel, and provide safe re-entry from deep space return velocities.
Credits: NASA
Event participants will be:
  • Jim Free, director of NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland
  • Greg Williams, deputy associate administrator for Human Exploration and Operations at NASA Headquarters in Washington
  • Mark Kirasich, manager for the Orion Program at the agency’s Johnson Space Center in Houston
  • Mike Hawes, program manager for Orion at Lockheed Martin
  • Nico Dettmann, development department head at ESA
  • Oliver Juckenhoefel, vice president and head of the European Service Module program at Airbus Defence and Space

A brief question-and-answer session will take place during the event with media on site and by phone. Media that wish to ask questions on the phone must email their name, media affiliation and phone number to Jan Wittry at by noon EST on Fri., Nov. 27. The public also can ask questions during the briefing on social media using #AskNASA.
The Orion spacecraft is being developed to help send astronauts to deep space destinations, such as an asteroid placed in lunar orbit and Mars. It will launch on the agency’s Space Launch System rocket. ESA, along with its contractor Airbus Defence and Space, is providing the service module for Orion’s next mission, a partnership that will bring international cooperation to the journey to Mars. The service module will supply power and propulsion to the Orion spacecraft for Exploration Mission-1.

ESA and Airbus also provided the structural representation of the service module so that NASA may conduct rigorous tests to ensure the module can withstand the trip to space. The multi-month test campaign will take place at Plum Brook’s Space Power Facility. Plum Brook is home to some of the largest testing structures in the world, including one of the world’s largest vacuum chamber, the world's most powerful spacecraft acoustic test chamber, and the world's highest capacity and most powerful spacecraft vibration table.

For NASA TV downlink information and schedules, and to view the news briefing, visit:

Kathryn Hambleton
Headquarters, Washington

Jan Wittry
Glenn Research Center, Cleveland
Last Updated: Nov. 24, 2015
Editor: Sarah Ramsey
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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