martes, 19 de enero de 2016

NASA : First Flower Grown in Space Station's Veggie Facility .- Primera flor cultivada en instalaciones Veggie de la Estación Espacial Internacional

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., hemos recibido información de  la Agencia del Espacio NASA, sobre los experimentos que los astronautas a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional EEI, que han logrado la primera flor de Zinnia en el espacio.
NASA, nos dice: "El 16 de enero, 2016, la Expedición 46 el comandante Scott Kelly compartió fotografías de una flor del zinnia florece en el sistema de crecimiento de las plantas Veggie bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional. Kelly escribió: ", hay otras formas de vida en el espacio!!!"
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Closeup of zinnia flower with green leaves in VEGGIE growth chamber on space station
On Jan. 16, 2016, Expedition 46 Commander Scott Kelly shared photographs of a blooming zinnia flower in the Veggie plant growth system aboard the International Space Station. Kelly wrote, "Yes, there are other life forms in space! #SpaceFlower #YearInSpace"

This flowering crop experiment began on Nov. 16, 2015, when NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren activated the Veggie system and its rooting "pillows" containing zinnia seeds. The challenging process of growing the zinnias provided an exceptional opportunity for scientists back on Earth to better understand how plants grow in microgravity, and for astronauts to practice doing what they’ll be tasked with on a deep space mission: autonomous gardening. In late December, Kelly found that the plants "weren't looking too good," and told the ground team, “You know, I think if we’re going to Mars, and we were growing stuff, we would be responsible for deciding when the stuff needed water. Kind of like in my backyard, I look at it and say ‘Oh, maybe I should water the grass today.’ I think this is how this should be handled.”
The Veggie team on Earth created what was dubbed “The Zinnia Care Guide for the On-Orbit Gardener,” and gave basic guidelines for care while putting judgment capabilities into the hands of the astronaut who had the plants right in front of him. Rather than pages and pages of detailed procedures that most science operations follow, the care guide was a one-page, streamlined resource to support Kelly as an autonomous gardener. Soon, the flowers were on the rebound, and on Jan. 12, pictures showed the first peeks of petals beginning to sprout on a few buds.
Image Credit: NASA
Last Updated: Jan. 19, 2016
Editor: Sarah Loff
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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