lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

NASA : A Half-Enceladus .- Una mitad del Satélite de Encelado en Marte.....

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., Este punto de vista medio-iluminado de Encelado tiene un parecido con vistas similares de propio satélite natural de la Tierra, pero las similitudes terminan ahí. Luna rocosa de la Tierra está cubierta de, cuencas volcánicas oscuras y brillantes, las tierras altas montañosas - ambos muy antigua. La superficie de hielo de Encelado es uniformemente brillante, mucho más brillante que la Luna de la Tierra. Grandes áreas de la superficie de Encelado se caracterizan por terrenos juveniles (en escalas de tiempo geológicas), arrugada.
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This half-lit view of Enceladus bears a passing resemblance to similar views of Earth's own natural satellite, but the similarities end there. Earth's rocky moon is covered in dark, volcanic basins and brighter, mountainous highlands -- both exceedingly ancient. The surface of icy Enceladus is uniformly bright, far brighter than Earth's moon. Large areas of Enceladus' surface are characterized by youthful (on geologic timescales), wrinkled terrains.

Although the north pole of Enceladus (313 miles or 504 kilometers across) was dark when Cassini arrived at Saturn, the march of the seasons at Saturn have brought sunlight to the north and taken it from the south.

This view looks toward the leading hemisphere of Enceladus. North on Encealdus is up. The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Sept. 8, 2015.

The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 80,000 miles (129,000 kilometers) from Enceladus. Image scale is 2,530 feet (772 meters) per pixel.

The Cassini mission is a cooperative project of NASA, ESA (the European Space Agency) and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit
The Cassini imaging team homepage is at

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Last Updated: Jan. 25, 2016
Editor: Tony Greicius
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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