domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

NASA : Researching 3D Printing Technology on the Space Station.- Investigando Tecnología de impresión 3D en la Estación Espacial

The 3D printer is reinstalled in the Microgravity Science Glovebox on the International Space Station.
Crew members on the International Space Station re-installed the first 3D printer in orbit, during the week of June 27, 2016, to continue research on the developing technology and how it can be used in space. NASA astronaut Jeff Williams installed the printer in the Microgravity Science Glovebox to begin another round of sample builds for NASA's 3D Printing in Zero-G Technology Demonstration. Williams took this photograph of the 3D printer on June 28, after installation.
The 3D printer, originally delivered to the station and tested in 2014, heats a relatively low-temperature plastic filament to build parts layer by layer using designs supplied to the machine.
The goal of having the printer on the orbiting laboratory is to demonstrate that additive manufacturing can be used to make a variety of parts and tools in space, reducing the need to send replacements from Earth. It is the first step toward establishing an on-demand machine shop in space -- a critical component to sustain deep-space crewed missions and in-space manufacturing. These new samples will be returned to Earth for comparison to similar objects manufactured by the printer before it was launched.
Image Credit: NASA
Last Updated: July 12, 2016
Editor: Sarah Loff
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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