jueves, 25 de agosto de 2016

NASA : Spacewalkers Successfully Install New Docking Adapter for Commercial Crew Flights .- Los astronautas instalan con éxito un nuevo adaptador de acoplamiento para la tripulación de los vuelos comerciales

Astronaut in spacesuit working outside space station with solar array in background
Expedition 48 Commander Jeff Williams (shown here) and Flight Engineer Kate Rubins of NASA successfully installed the first of two international docking adapters (IDAs) Friday Aug. 19, 2016, during a five hour and 58-minute spacewalk. The IDAs will be used for the future arrivals of Boeing and SpaceX commercial crew spacecraft in development under NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. Japanese astronaut Takuya Onishi assisted the duo from inside the station, while all three cleaned up the Quest airlock afterward where they stowed their spacesuits and tolos.
On Sept. 1, the two NASA astronauts will spacewalk outside the International Space Station for the second time in less than two weeks. Working on the port side of the orbiting complex’s backbone, or truss, Williams and Rubins will retract a thermal radiator that is part of the station’s cooling system. They’ll also tighten struts on a solar array joint, and install the first of several enhanced high-definition television cameras that will be used to monitor activities outside the station, including the comings and goings of visiting cargo and crew vehicles.
Image Credit: NASA
Last Updated: Aug. 23, 2016
Editor: Sarah Loff
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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