domingo, 4 de septiembre de 2016

ESA : Space recovery USB .- USB de recuperación de memoria en el espacio
Todos los entusiastas de la informática tienen un disco de recuperación disponible en caso de que su equipo deja de funcionar - y no es diferente para un experimento de líquidos en la Estación Espacial Internacional.

Esta memoria USB está ahora en el laboratorio Columbus después de su lanzamiento a la estación el 18 de julio. Si todo va bien, nunca será utilizado - pero es mejor prevenir que curar.

El experimento SODI-DCMIX tendrá una duración de alrededor de nueve semanas en el espacio observación de cómo una mezcla de agua, etanol y trietilenglicol se comporta en un campo térmico. Si el instrumento no se pone, un astronauta puede insertar la memoria USB y reiniciar el experimento.

La barra de 8 GB es un producto comercial que se ha modificado para que sea apta para el espacio. Ingenieros eliminan todas las pegatinas y caucho y perforaron agujeros de ventilación para hacer frente a los cambios en la atmósfera. Por último, la luz del palo se cubrió para evitar distracciones......


  • Title Space recovery USB
  • Released 30/08/2016 4:22 pm
  • Copyright ESA
  • Description
    All computer enthusiasts have a recovery disk available in case their computer stops working – and it’s no different for a liquids experiment on the International Space Station.
    This USB stick is now in the Columbus laboratory after its launch to the Station on 18 July. If all goes well, it will never be used – but it is better to be safe than sorry.
    The SODI-DCMIX experiment will run for around nine weeks in space observing how a mixture of water, ethanol and triethylene glycol behaves in a thermal field. If the instrument refuses to start, an astronaut can insert the USB stick and reboot the experiment.
    The 8 GB stick is a commercial item that was modified to make it fit for space. Engineers removed all the stickers and rubber and drilled venting holes to cope with the changes in atmosphere. Lastly, the stick’s light was covered to avoid distractions.
    Observing fluids freely
  • Fluids and gases are never at rest, even if they appear to be when viewed by the naked eye. Molecules are constantly moving and colliding even though there is no microscope powerful enough to see it. Scientists are interested in observing and measuring how these movements combined with temperature changes lead to it’s the fluid’s constituents redistributing as they reveal important, practical information such as how fluids mix or separate in different conditions.
    Creating accurate models of how fluids warm up  and spread is harder than it might seem. School physics classes can work out how long it would take to boil a litre of water, but what if the water were mixed with oil or a multitude of different liquids?
    A mixture on the International Space Station is free from the constraints of gravity and will only react to temperature. SODI-DCMIX exploits this fact to record concentration gradients in mixtures in space to understand how molecules behave in liquids.
    The data from this third version of SODI-DCMIX will be stored on flash disks and returned to the international team of researchers on Earth later this year.
  • Id 364464



Otro Contenido:
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
Inscríbete en el Foro del blog y participa : A Vuelo De Un Quinde - El Foro!

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