domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2016

NSF : NSF awards $16.7 million for research on how humans, environment interact .- NSF, otorga premios por $ 16,7 millones para la investigación sobre cómo los seres humanos, interactúan con el medio ambiente...........

Projects continue mission of Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems program

Aerial views of lawns

Aerial views of lawns in San Diego; Miami; Philadelphia; Chicago; Phoenix; and Levittown, N.Y.
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September 16, 2016
Boston and Baltimore. Miami and Minneapolis. Phoenix and Los Angeles. Fanned across the U.S. and in locations from coast to prairie to desert, what do these cities have in common? Perhaps how their human residents tend that icon of America, the urban lawn.
What's right outside our doors -- our lawns -- may be one of the best indicators of where cities and towns need to address sustainability, according to Peter Groffman of the City University of New York.
Groffman is one of 11 recipients of grants made in 2016 by the National Science Foundation (NSF)'s Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) program, which supports research that examines the complex interactions between human and natural systems. Total funding for 2016 CNH grants is $16.7 million.
Lawn fertilizer contains nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen that wash into waterways, causing blooms of algae that can rob fish and other aquatic species of oxygen and degrade water quality. Groffman's CNH project will investigate the natural processes regulating the flow of nitrogen from lawns, and look at the sociological factors that influence how homeowners decide to manage their lawns.
CNH is co-funded by NSF's directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO), Geosciences (GEO), and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE). The program has been issuing awards since 2001. This year's grantees will look at ways in which people deal with environmental processes in a range of settings, including cities, mountains, grasslands and forests.
"As has been true for the 15 years since CNH was founded, this year's awards explore a diverse range of ways in which natural and human systems interact with each other," said Tom Baerwald, CNH program director for SBE.
Findings from the CNH projects will enhance society's understanding of environmental quality and the well-being of people.
The 2016 CNH research subjects include: adaptations to climate change in California fisheries and fishing communities; how land transactions and investments affect agricultural production, ecosystem services and food and energy security; how socioecological systems are transformed by hydroelectric dams in the Amazon; the restoration of riparian forests in the southwestern U.S.; and the effects of glaciers melting on the livelihoods of townspeople in Peru's high-elevation Cordillera Blanca.
"The CNH program is unique in that it involves interdisciplinary research teams in solving the complex challenges facing our country and our planet," said Betsy Von Holle, CNH program director for BIO.
CNH considers humans and the environment as one interconnected system.
"The program provides a knowledge base for sound planning that can benefit both people and the environment for years to come," said Richard Yuretich, CNH program director for GEO.

2016 NSF CNH Awards
Joshua Abbott, Arizona State University: The Dynamics of Adaptation to Climate-Driven Variability in California Current Fisheries And Fishing Communities
Arun Agrawal, University of Michigan Ann Arbor: Land transactions and investments: Impacts on agricultural production, ecosystem services, and food-energy security
Clare Aslan, Northern Arizona University: Scale-Dependent Feedbacks Among Protected Areas and Surrounding Socioecological Systems
Brenda Bowen, University of Utah: Adaptation, Mitigation, and Biophysical Feedbacks in the Changing Bonneville Salt Flats
Gillian Bowser, Colorado State University: Andes Bofedales and Cattle: The Impacts of Changing Hydrology and Glacial Retreat on Community Livelihoods in Peru's Cordillera Blanca
Peter Groffman, Research Foundation CUNY - Advanced Science Research Center: Multi-Scale Coupled Natural-Human System Dynamics of Nitrogen in Residential Landscapes
Pamela Jagger, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Energy Transitions and Environmental Change in East and Southern Africa's Coupled Human, Terrestrial, and Atmospheric Systems
Bette Loiselle, University of Florida: RCN: Amazon Dams Network: Advancing Integrative Research and Adaptive Management of Social-ecological Systems Transformed by Hydroelectric Dams
Joy McCorriston, Ohio State University: Pastoral Territory as a Dynamic Coupled System
Nathan Phillips, Boston University: Coupling of Physical Infrastructure, Green Infrastructure, and Communities
Anna Sher, University of Denver: Interactions Between Human Perspectives and Natural System Dynamics in the Restoration of Riparian Forests in the Southwestern U.S.
Erica Smithwick, Pennsylvania State University: Visualizing Forest Futures Under Climate Uncertainty: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Decision-Support Tools for Collaborative Decision Making

Media Contacts Cheryl Dybas, NSF, (703) 292-7734,

Related WebsitesNSF News (CNH 2015 Awards): NSF awards $20.4 million for research on how humans and environment interact:
NSF News (CNH 2014 Awards): National Science Foundation awards $9.47 million for research on coupled natural and human systems:
NSF News (CNH 2013 Awards): National Science Foundation awards $19.4 million for research on coupled natural and human systems:
CNH Discovery Article: Summertime: Hot Time in the City:
CNH Discovery Article: Cooking Up Clean Air in Africa:
CNH Discovery Article: Studying Nature's Rhythms: Soundscape Ecologists Spawn New Field:
CNH Discovery Article: Wildlife species provide clues to spread of antibiotic resistance:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering. In fiscal year (FY) 2016, its budget is $7.5 billion. NSF funds reach all 50 states through grants to nearly 2,000 colleges, universities and other institutions. Each year, NSF receives more than 48,000 competitive proposals for funding and makes about 12,000 new funding awards. NSF also awards about $626 million in professional and service contracts yearly.
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Awards Searches:
CNH grantees are studying California Current fisheries. Pictured here: sardines.
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Peru's Cordillera Blanca.
CNH researchers are looking at glacier melting and human communities in Peru's Cordillera Blanca.
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Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah
The changing Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah are the subject of a new CNH grant.
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Interactions between humans and riparian forests in the southwestern U.S. are a CNH study subject.
Interactions between humans and riparian forests in the southwestern U.S. are a CNH study subject.
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Land transactions and their effects on agriculture
Land transactions and their effects on agriculture are the focus of a new CNH project.
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The National Science Foundation (NSF)
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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