martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

NASA : CST-100 Starliner Manufacturing .- Fabricación del Boeing Starliner CST-100

Starliner manufacturing
An engineer guides the upper dome of a Boeing CST-100 Starliner as it is connected to the lower dome to complete the first hull of the Starliner's Structural Test Article, a prototype spacecraft that is identical to the operational versions but not meant to fly in space. The work was performed inside the Commercial Crew and Cargo Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The STA is built to endure harsh tests mimicking conditions of spaceflight to prove the design and its manufacturing techniques will work for space-bound Starliners.
The Starliner is one of two spacecraft in development in partnership with NASA's Commercial Crew Program that will enable astronauts to fly to the International Space Station on a new generation of spacecraft made in America and launching from Florida's Space Coast.
Photo Credit: Boeing
Last Updated: Nov. 1, 2016
Editor: Steven Siceloff
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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