sábado, 25 de marzo de 2017

NASA : Space Station View of Mount Etna Erupting .- Vista desde la Estación Espacial Internacional de la erupción del Monte Etna....


Nighttime view from orbit of Sicily with red lines showing volcano eruption
The Expedition 50 crew aboard the International Space Station had a nighttime view from orbit of Europe's most active volcano, Mount Etna, erupting on March 19, 2017. Astronaut Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency captured this image and shared it with his social media followers, writing, "Mount Etna, in Sicily. The volcano is currently erupting and the molten lava is visible from space, at night! (the red lines on the left)."
Image Credit: ESA/NASA
Last Updated: March 22, 2017
Editor: Sarah Loff
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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