martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

NASA - Space Station Expedition 35 Astronauts Land Safely in Kazakhstan, Expedition 36 Begins

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 Expedition 35 Crew Lands
Station Crew Off Duty Tuesday, Expedition 35 Crew Lands Monday
201305140002hq -- Expedition 35 crew members Expedition 35 Commander Chris Hadfield (left), Soyuz Commander Roman Romanenko (center) and Flight Engineer Tom Marshburn sit in chairs outside the Soyuz just minutes after they landed in Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA
iss035e036990 -- Spacewalker Chris Cassidy Spacewalkers Chris Cassidy (pictured) and Tom Marshburn (out of frame) completed a spacewalk on Saturday to inspect and replace a pump controller box on the far port truss (P6) leaking ammonia coolant. Credit: NASA
jsc2013e030447 -- Expedition 36 crew members At the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia, Expedition 36/37 Flight Engineers Karen Nyberg (left), Fyodor Yurchikhin (center) and Flight Engineer Luca Parmitano (right) pose for pictures at the Cosmonautics Museum. Credit: NASA
Expedition 36 Commander Pavel Vinogradov and Flight Engineers Chris Cassidy and Alexander Misurkin enjoyed some time off aboard the orbiting laboratory Tuesday following the undocking of their Expedition 35 crew mates aboard the Soyuz TMA-07M spacecraft on Monday night and a busy weekend of spacewalk activities. The station crew members will get back to their normal regimen of international research and systems maintenance on Wednesday.
 Cassidy is set to resume work this week with the Burning And Suppression of Solids, or BASS, experiment which studies how a variety of solid materials burn and extinguish in microgravity. Results from BASS may lead to improvements in spacecraft materials selection, strategies for extinguishing accidental fires aboard spacecraft and improved computational models used in the design of fire detection and suppression systems here on Earth. 
 Expedition 35 Commander Chris Hadfield and Flight Engineers Tom Marshburn and Roman Romanenko landed their Soyuz TMA-07M spacecraft in southern Kazakhstan at 10:31 p.m. EDT Monday. Russian recovery teams were on hand to help the crew exit the Soyuz vehicle and adjust to gravity after 146 days in space. 
 Following the Soyuz TMA-07M undocking, thermal systems specialists in Mission Control Houston detected a drop in the International Space Station’s P6 truss ammonia accumulators consistent with the ammonia leak last Thursday. The 2B power channel that had been activated following Saturday’s spacewalk (but not yet integrated back into accepting loads from systems) was shut down in a preventative measure. Throughout the night, however, no leakage has been observed in the newly installed Pump and Flow Control Subassembly box on the P6 truss nor is there any data suggesting a leak. Thermal system specialists speculate this could be a function of fluids settling down within the pump’s plumbing and shifting from one internal tank to another from the forces imparted on the component from the Soyuz undocking. More data is being acquired but thermal experts seem to be comfortable that we still have an air-tight system. 
 Meanwhile at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia, Expedition 36 Flight Engineers Karen Nyberg, Fyodor Yurchikhin, Luca Parmitano continued preparations for their May 28 launch to the station aboard the Soyuz TMA-09M. Nyberg, Yurchikhin and Parmitano are set to depart for the launch site at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Thursday.

 Space Station Expedition 35 Astronauts Land Safely in Kazakhstan, Expedition 36 Begins
WASHINGTON -- Three members of the International Space Station Expedition 35 crew undocked from the orbiting laboratory and returned safely to Earth Monday, May 13, wrapping up a mission lasting almost five months. The departure marks the beginning of Expedition 36.

Space station Commander Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency, Soyuz Commander Roman Romanenko of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) and NASA Flight Engineer Tom Marshburn undocked their Soyuz TMA-07M spacecraft from the space station at 7:08 p.m. EDT. They landed southeast of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, about 10:31 p.m. (8:31 a.m. May 14, Kazakh time).

Hadfield, Romanenko and Marshburn traveled almost 62 million miles while completing 2,336 orbits of Earth. The trio arrived at the station Dec. 21 and spent 146 days in space, 144 of which were aboard the station.

Pavel Vinogradov of Roscosmos is in command of Expedition 36. He is joined by NASA Flight Engineer Chris Cassidy and Russian cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin. That trio will work aboard the station until three additional crew members, including NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg, arrive May 28.

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Guillermo Gonzao Sánchez Achutegui
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