domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014

NASA : Hubble Sees Turquoise-Tinted Plumes in Large Magellanic Cloud.- Telescopio Hubble, ve a la Gran Nube de Magallanes

Hola amigos:  A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., la Agencia Espacial NASA, nos hace llegar una espectacular vista de la Nube de Magallanes, captada por el Telescopio Espacial Hubble, y para explicar la visión nos dice..."Las plumas brillantes brillantes vistos en esta imagen son una reminiscencia de una escena bajo el agua, con las corrientes de color turquesa con tinte y hebras nebulosos que alcanzan hacia fuera en el entorno.......
Sin embargo, esto no es un océano. Esta imagen muestra realmente parte de la Gran Nube de Magallanes (LMC), una pequeña galaxia cercana que orbita nuestra galaxia, la Vía Láctea, y aparece como una mancha borrosa en nuestros cielos. La NASA / Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) del Telescopio Espacial Hubble han visitado  muchas veces en esta galaxia, la liberación de impresionantes imágenes de las nubes arremolinadas de gas y estrellas brillantes........"

Hubble Sees Turquoise-Tinted Plumes in Large Magellanic Cloud
The brightly glowing plumes seen in this image are reminiscent of an underwater scene, with turquoise-tinted currents and nebulous strands reaching out into the surroundings.
However, this is no ocean. This image actually shows part of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a small nearby galaxy that orbits our galaxy, the Milky Way, and appears as a blurred blob in our skies. The NASA/European Space Agency (ESA) Hubble Space Telescope has peeked many times into this galaxy, releasing stunning images of the whirling clouds of gas and sparkling stars (opo9944a, heic1301, potw1408a).
This image shows part of the Tarantula Nebula's outskirts. This famously beautiful nebula, located within the LMC, is a frequent target for Hubble (heic1206, heic1402). 
In most images of the LMC the color is completely different to that seen here. This is because, in this new image, a different set of filters was used. The customary R filter, which selects the red light, was replaced by a filter letting through the near-infrared light. In traditional images, the hydrogen gas appears pink because it shines most brightly in the red. Here however, other less prominent emission lines dominate in the blue and green filters.
This data is part of the Archival Pure Parallel Project (APPP), a project that gathered together and processed over 1,000 images taken using Hubble’s Wide Field Planetary Camera 2, obtained in parallel with other Hubble instruments. Much of the data in the project could be used to study a wide range of astronomical topics, including gravitational lensing and cosmic shear, exploring distant star-forming galaxies, supplementing observations in other wavelength ranges with optical data, and examining star populations from stellar heavyweights all the way down to solar-mass stars.
Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA: acknowledgement: Josh Barrington
Text: European Space Agency
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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