miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

NASA : NASA Hosts Media Briefing on Mission to Study Dynamic Magnetic System Around Earth .- NASA Hosts Reunión informativa sobre la misión para estudiar el sistema magnético dinámico alrededor de la Tierra

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., hemos recibido una información de la Agencia Espacial NASA, que se va realizar un estudio del Sistema Magnético de la Tierra, todos alguna vez de nuestra vida nos encontramos fascinados por el magnetismo que envuelva a nuestra querida La Tierra y de la defensa que nos provee contra los rayos ultravioleta de El Sol. Ellos estudiarán un proceso llamada : Reconexión Magnética.

Artist concept of Magnetospheric Multiscale mission
Artist concept of MMS, a mission to study how magnetic fields release energy in a process known as magnetic reconnection. MMS consists of four identical observatories that will fly in a tight formation and provide the first three-dimensional view of magnetic reconnection.
Concepción artística de MMS, una misión para estudiar cómo los campos magnéticos liberar energía en un proceso conocido como reconexión magnética. MMS consta de cuatro observatorios idénticos que volarán en formación cerrada y proporcionar la primera vista tridimensional de la reconexión magnética.
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NASA will hold a media briefing at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, Feb. 25, to discuss an upcoming mission to study magnetic reconnection around Earth, a fundamental process throughout the universe where magnetic fields connect and disconnect explosively releasing energy.
The briefing, held at NASA Headquarters, 300 E St. SW in Washington, will be broadcast live on NASA Television and streamed on the agency's website.
Called the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, the project will help scientists understand the process of magnetic reconnection, which can accelerate particles up to nearly the speed of light.  By studying reconnection near Earth, MMS will help scientists understand reconnection in the atmosphere of the sun and other stars, in the vicinity of black holes and neutron stars, and at the boundary between our solar system’s heliosphere and interstellar space.
The mission consists of four identical spacecraft that will provide the first three-dimensional view of magnetic reconnection. Launch is scheduled for 10:44 p.m. March 12, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.
The briefing participants are:
  • Jeff Newmark, interim director, Heliophysics Division, NASA Headquarters in Washington
  • Jim Burch, principal investigator, MMS Instrument Suite, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio
  • Craig Tooley, MMS Project Manager, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland
  • Paul Cassak, associate professor, West Virginia University, Morgantown     
Media who want to participate by phone must send an email providing their name, affiliation and telephone number to dwayne.c.brown@nasa.gov by noon Wednesday.
Media and the public also may ask questions during the briefing on Twitter using the hashtag #askNASA.
For more information about the MMS mission, visit:
For NASA TV streaming video, downlink and updated scheduling information, visit:
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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