domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

NASA : NASA Celebrates 50 Years of Spacewalking .- NASA celebra 50 años de paseo espacial

Hola amigos : A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., hemos recibido información de la Agencia Espacial NASA, sobre la celebración de hace 50 años cuando el hombre caminó por primera vez en el espacio, acontecimiento que sucedió el 7 de febrero del 1984, cuando el astronauta Bruce McCandless II, se apartó del  Transbordador Espacial Challenger, en cumplimiento de la misión STS-41B, el astronauta maniobra fuera de la nave sin ataduras con la nave, solo equipado con una mochila de mano de nitrógeno que impulsaba la unidad llamada: the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU).(unidad de maniobra tripulada (MMU).

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Spacewalking astronaut on untethered spacewalk surrounded by empty space with Earth below
In this Feb. 7, 1984 photograph taken by his fellow crewmembers aboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Challenger on the STS-41B mission, NASA astronaut Bruce McCandless II approaches his maximum distance from the vehicle. McCandless became the first astronaut to maneuver about in space untethered, during this first "field" tryout of a nitrogen-propelled, hand-controlled backpack device called the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU).

For 50 years, NASA has been "suiting up" for spacewalking. The first American to conduct a spacewalk, astronaut Edward H. White II, floated into the vastness of space on the Gemini IV mission on June 3, 1965. For more than 20 minutes, White maneuvered himself around the Gemini spacecraft as it traveled from over Hawaii to the Gulf of Mexico--making his orbital stroll 6,500 miles long. At the end of the 20-minute spacewalk, White was exuberant. "This is the greatest experience," he said. "It's just tremendous."
Since this historic first, NASA astronauts have performed spacewalks, or extravehicular activity (EVA) in NASA-speak, on the Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Space Shuttle and International Space Station programs. Astronauts have explored the lunar surface, completed 82 spacewalks outside of the space shuttle, and 187 spacewalks, to date, outside the International Space Station. A total of 166 hours of spacewalks were carried out to service the Hubble Space Telescope. Today, NASA is developing new advanced spacesuits for use by astronauts as they travel to new deep-space locations on the journey to Mars. The next-generation suit will incorporate a number of technology advances to shorten preparation time, improve safety and boost astronaut capabilities during spacewalks and surface activities.
Image Gallery: 50 Years of Spacewalking
Image Credit: NASA
Last Updated: June 7, 2015
Editor: Sarah Loff
Tags:  Image of the Day, NASA History, Space Shuttle, Spacewalks, STS-41B
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui 
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