domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

NASA : Engineers Mark Completion of Orion’s Pressure Vessel .- Los ingenieros marcan la finalización de los recipientes a presión de Orión

Hola amigos: A VUELO DE UN QUINDE EL BLOG., Soldadura de aluminio siete piezas grandes de Orión, que comenzó en septiembre de 2015, aparejado un proceso meticuloso. Ingenieros preparados y equipados cada elemento con medidores de deformación y el cableado para controlar el metal durante el proceso. Las piezas se unen utilizando un proceso llamado soldadura por fricción-agitación del estado de la técnica, que produce lazos muy fuertes mediante la transformación de metales a partir de un sólido a un estado parecido al plástico, y luego usando una herramienta pivote giratorio para ablandar, remover y forjar un vínculo entre los dos componentes de metal para formar una unión soldada uniforme, un requisito vital de equipo espacial de próxima generación.
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Orion spacecraft structure inside large room with engineer standing at right
NASA’s Orion spacecraft is another step closer to launching on its first mission to deep space atop the agency’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket. On Jan. 13, 2016, technicians at Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans finished welding together the primary structure of the Orion spacecraft destined for deep space, marking another important step on the journey to Mars.
Welding Orion’s seven large aluminum pieces, which began in September 2015, involved a meticulous process. Engineers prepared and outfitted each element with strain gauges and wiring to monitor the metal during the process. The pieces were joined using a state-of-the-art process called friction-stir welding, which produces incredibly strong bonds by transforming metals from a solid into a plastic-like state, and then using a rotating pin tool to soften, stir and forge a bond between two metal components to form a uniform welded joint, a vital requirement of next-generation space hardware.
Image Credit: NASA
Last Updated: Jan. 27, 2016
Editor: Sarah Loff

NASA to Announce Science, Technology Missions for First Flight of Space Launch System

NASA Television will air the announcement of the selection of a fleet of small satellites to launch on the inaugural flight of the agency’s Space Launch System (SLS). The event, which is at 11 a.m. EST (10 a.m. CST) Tuesday, Feb. 2, from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, will announce the CubeSats that will fly as secondary payloads and deploy to conduct science and technology demonstrations in deep space.

Following the event, which media are invited to participate in, NASA TV will air a demonstration of the Near-Earth Asteroid Scout (NEA Scout), a CubeSat that uses solar sail propulsion for low-cost exploration and reconnaissance of an asteroid.

The participants for both the announcement and demonstration are:
  • NASA Deputy Administrator Dava Newman
  • Todd May, Marshall Space Flight Center director (acting)
  • Bill Hill, deputy associate administrator of Exploration Systems Development at NASA Headquarters in Washington
  • Michael Seablom, chief technologist for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters
  • Jim Cockrell, Cube Quest program administrator in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California
  • Jitendra Joshi, technology integration lead for the Advanced Exploration Systems Division at NASA Headquarters
  • Chris Crumbly, manager of the Space Launch System Spacecraft and Payload Integration/Evolution Office at Marshall
  • Leslie McNutt, NEA Scout project manager at Marshall
  • Les Johnson, NEA Scout solar sail principal investigator at Marshall

The event will include a brief question-and-answer session with media attending in person or by phone. To participate by phone, media must contact Kim Newton at 256-544-0371, 256-653-5173 or by 1 p.m. (noon CST) on Monday, Feb. 1. During the broadcast, viewers can ask questions on social media using #AskNASA.

The primary goal of the first integrated launch of NASA’s SLS and Orion spacecraft is to demonstrate the agency’s new capability to launch future crewed, deep space missions, which include missions to an asteroid and Mars. As a bonus, SLS will carry 13 CubeSats on its first flight as secondary payloads. These small satellites will perform various in-space experiments and demonstrations to advance the technological capabilities needed to take humans farther into space than ever before. The secondary payloads were selected through a series of announcements of flight opportunities, a public contest, and negotiations with NASA’s international partners.

For NASA TV downlink information and schedules, and to view the news briefing, visit:

Kathryn Hambleton
Headquarters, Washington

Kim Newton / Shannon Ridinger
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
256-544-0371 / 256-544-3774 /
Last Updated: Jan. 28, 2016
Editor: Allard Beutel

Super Guppy Ready to Transport the Orion Spacecraft

NASA's Super Guppy airplane ready to transport Orion spacecraft to Kennedy Space Center.      
NASA's Super Guppy aircraft readies to transport the Orion spacecraft pressure vessel for Exploration Mission-1 from the Michoud Assembly Facility in Louisiana to Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The pressure vessel will fly on the first integrated launch of Orion and NASA's powerful new rocket, the Space Launch System. The test flight, which will fly without crew, will demonstrate the agency’s new capability to launch future deep space missions, which include missions to an asteroid and Mars.
The Super Guppy has a cargo compartment that is 25 feet tall, 25 feet wide and 111 feet long and can carry more than 26 tons. The aircraft has unique hinged nose that can open more than 200 degrees, allowing large pieces of cargo to be loaded and unloaded from the front.
Image Credit: NASA
Last Updated: Feb. 1, 2016
Editor: Steve Fox

Todd May Named Marshall Space Flight Center Director

Todd May, director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
Credits: NASA

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden has named Todd May director of the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. May was appointed Marshall deputy director in August 2015 and has been serving as acting director since the Nov. 13, 2015 retirement of Patrick Scheuermann.

As director, May will lead one of NASA's largest field installations, with almost 6,000 civil service and contractor employees, an annual budget of approximately $2.5 billion and a broad spectrum of human spaceflight, science and technology development missions.

"Todd’s experience and leadership have been invaluable to the agency, especially as we have embarked on designing, building and testing the Space Launch System, a critical part of NASA’s journey to Mars," said Bolden. "He brings his expert program management and leadership skills and sense of mission to this new role, and I look forward to having him at the helm of Marshall."

Since its inception in 2011, May led the Space Launch System (SLS) program through a series of milestones, including a successful in-depth critical design review. SLS, now under development, is the most powerful rocket ever built, able to carry astronauts in NASA's Orion spacecraft on deep space missions, including to an asteroid and ultimately on a journey to Mars.

May's NASA career began in 1991 in the Materials and Processes Laboratory at Marshall. He was deputy program manager of the Russian Integration Office in the International Space Station Program at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston in 1994. May managed the successful integration, launch and commissioning of the station's Quest airlock in 1998. He also joined the team that launched the Gravity Probe B mission to test Einstein's general theory of relativity.

In 2004, May assumed management of the Discovery and New Frontiers Programs, created to explore the solar system with frequent unmanned spacecraft missions. He moved to NASA Headquarters in Washington in 2007 as a deputy associate administrator in the Science Mission Directorate. Returning to Marshall in June 2008, May was named Marshall's associate director, technical, a post he held until being named SLS program manager.

May earned a bachelor's degree in materials engineering from Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama, in 1990. His many awards include NASA’s Exceptional Achievement Medal, the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Executive, NASA’s Outstanding Leadership Medal and the John W. Hager Award for professionalism in materials engineering. He has been named a Distinguished Engineer by Auburn. In 2014, he received Aviation Week's Program Excellence Award, as well as the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement Foundation’s Stellar Award in recognition of the SLS team’s many accomplishments.

A native of Fairhope, Alabama, May and his wife, Kelly, have four children and live in Huntsville.

For more information about NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, visit:

David Weaver
Headquarters, Washington

Jennifer Stanfield
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.
Last Updated: Feb. 1, 2016
Editor: Karen Northon
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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