domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016

ESA : Thomas Pesquet's space Christmas message.-Thomas Pesquet, envía un saludo de Navidad desde la Estación Espacial Internacional.........
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Details Open/Close Title Thomas Pesquet's space
Christmas message
Released: 20/12/2016
Length 00:02:42
Language English, French
Footage Type Interior
 Shot Copyright ESA/NASA
  ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet shares his Christmas plans and wishes on the International Space Station. Flying 400 km above Earth, astronauts on the International Space Station have a unique experience and vision of our planet that they share in this video. Thomas recounts his memories growing up in Normany, France, and explains what Christmas means to him. His end-of-year meal was prepared by French chefs – canned of course, there is no way to cook food on the Space Station and includes ox-tongue from his home-region prepared by Thierry Marx, chicken-supreme and for desert, apple gingerbread. TAGS Open/Close Click on the tags to find the matching videos. Activity Human Spaceflight Mission Proxima People Thomas Pesquet System ISS Keywords Astronauts , Astronauts on board , Astronauts on board ISS , ESA astronauts , Manned Missions , Space Food Set Thomas Pesquet

Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

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