domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2016

NASA : Sunrise With Solar Array .- Salida de El Sol con formación solar....

Sunrise over Earth's horizon with space station solar array
Astronaut Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency captured this photograph from the International Space Station on Nov. 25, 2016, and shared it on social media.  Pesquet commented, "Sunrises. We experience 16 sunrises every 24 hours on the International Space Station as it takes us 90 minutes to do a complete orbit of our planet flying at 28,800 km/h. Of course we don't notice most of the sunrises as we are working inside, but every now and again I can take a picture."

Image Credit: ESA/NASA
Last Updated: Dec. 9, 2016
Editor: Marc Levy

Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui a vuelo
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