La imagen original del Cristo fue pintada en 1651 por un esclavo de casta angoleña llamado Pedro Dalcón o Benito, según Raúl Porras Barrenechea. Posteriormente fueron añadidas las imágenes de Dios Padre, María y María Magdalena. Se le conoce como Cristo Moreno debido a que, entre sus creyentes, predominaba la gente de piel negra. Podría estar relacionado, según explica la historiadora María Rostworowski, con el culto milenario al dios Pachacamac, tan solo por haber sido pintado en el Barrio de Pachacamilla en el centro de Lima.
Hi my friends of the blog: ASOCIACIÓN DEPARTAMENTAL PIURANA DE LAMBAYEQUE EL BLOG.,Now, we will see the history in brief of "LORD OF THE MIRACLES" of Lima. Perú. South America;"SEÑOR DE LOS MILAGROS"; our history to start in the Century XVII in the epoch of the Colony.It relate that a brown man called "Benito", someday he felt very inspired, he was inspire someone with something, and he decided to paint in his lowly house The Image of The Lord.
It interpretation so real form, shine and divine, as we see now. He was angolan slave.
The picture it was on wall of ADOVE very modest. Since that date until now. All people and christians persons venerate.
In that epoch had a terrible earthquake, all houses were destroyed, but, The Wall where was the picture of the Lord wasn't destroyed, that even was a "Miracle".
In 1,776 The Viceroy of Perú Manuel of Amat and Junyent (1,761-1,776) ordered the building of a Church called "Church of The Nazarenas" with management Mother Antonia.
The Mother Antonia used a purple tunic, and to tell the history her inspired for same christ, and since all devout on wear in The Procession in The Cities where the people venerate it.
The first Procession of The Lord Of The Miracles started on October The 20th of 1,687, since that day gave to start to the historical Procession until today. But, today to celebrate from 18th and 28th on october each year.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui