lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008


Hi my friends of the blog: Asociación Departamental Piurana de Lambayeque el blog., this is a brief history of my life:
My Life.----I am Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui, I was born in Ayabaca. Piura. Perú; Ayabaca City is famous for the veneration of the people northerly to the "SEÑOR CAUTIVO DE AYABACA". Start it's holiday date in october the 13th. All year people travel in carabans: by bus, by trucks, and almost all people get to Ayabaca walking and walking that people are called "Peregrinos del Señor Cautivo", they arrive with their footsore. It is incredible the faith in God, thousands and thousands of people to footsore from: Chiclayo, Piura, Sullana, Talara, Paita Tumbes, Trujillo, Ancash and Ecuador journey to Ayabaca. Much faith of the people in God. They are godly.
I am from a big family were 12 brothers, at present time, there are 10 alive and two dead, and they are: David Cornelio,Marina, Enma,Luis Bernardo, Francisca Amelia, José María , María Josefa, Justo Heberth, Franco Wilfredo y Guillermo Gonzalo; My father is José María Sánchez Saavedra he is 88 years old, and my mother is Teresa de Jesús Achutegui Correa, she is dead. I have other brother, He is Amado Gilberto Sánchez Rodriguez, he was born outside of my home, he is the first sun of my father.
I studied my primary in the emblematic "Escuela Primaria 31", now: "Hildebrando Castro Pozo". I studied high school in the "Agropecuario Institute Nº 32 of Ayabaca"; the same studied Administration of Business in The University "Federico Villarreal" of Lima.
I had a lot of works from:Asistant of Business, until the manager from own business. Now I am seller in a cosmetic's store.
Also travelled to Ecuador and The United States Of America ; knew the state La Florida- Miami, and Minnesota Saint Paul/Minneapolis.
My family and I live in The Suburbs: Urbanización "Las Brisas" next "El Carmen" Cemetry. I have two sons, the first is Gonzalo Guillermo, he is 32 years old, he lives in The United States Of America, and second is Oscar Vidal, he is 29 years old, also he lives in The United States of America, and one daughter called Milagros del Carmen, she is 20 years old. She studies in the University of Piura.
I am married with my wife called Flor de María Vargas Rodriguez, she is "Social Assistant", but she'snot working in her profession. Now, she is a manager in her business named: "Cosmetic's" Store, her mother is Elena Rodriguez Azcurra, she is 98 years old.
We have in our house: two doggy: "shit-zu" called "Candy" it is very funny, and "Laika"it is a very funny. Also we have nine birds called "Loritos de Australia", and one fish bowl with eleven fishes.
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui

2 comentarios:

  1. This is a comment of my cousin Chichi Camino Achutegui
    ..."Hi Gonzalo, is very interesting your life and thanks for you do to know us some things about my cousins your wife and your dogs.
    I have golden retraiver 8 months old.
    Kisses for your family.
    Chichi Camino

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