domingo, 7 de julio de 2013

NASA - NASA and Italian Space Agency Sign Agreement on Exploration of Mercury

WASHINGTON - At a meeting in Rome Thursday, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Italian Space Agency (ASI) President Enrico Saggese signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation on the European Space Agency- (ESA) led BepiColombo mission to Mercury, strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation between NASA and ASI in planetary exploration.

Bolden and Saggese also discussed NASA's plans for a new asteroid initiative, previously announced in President Obama's fiscal year 2014 budget proposal. Saggese expressed the strong interest of Italy for the initiative and welcomed the opportunity to discuss potential ASI participation in a long-term exploration strategy.

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 Hubble Image of Our Celebrity Neighbors

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Hubble Image of Our Celebrity Neighbors

This is the spiral galaxy NGC 3185, located some 80 million light-years away from us in the constellation of Leo (the Lion). The image shows the galaxy’s spiral arms, which can be traced from the center of the galaxy out towards the rim, where they appear to meet a sparkling blue disk. At the center of NGC 3185 is a small but very bright nucleus containing a supermassive black hole.
 Black holes like this one can have masses many thousands of times that of the sun, and they become active when matter falls towards them. When this happens the black hole lights up, sending away streams of particles and radiation at almost the speed of light. NGC 3185 is a member of a small, four-galaxy group called Hickson 44, which has a celebrity in its midst — the group is also home to another spiral galaxy called NGC 3190. NGC 3190 may be very familiar to you: the technology giant Apple Inc. used a blue-tinted image of it as a desktop image for one of its operating systems. European Space Agency/NASA/Hubble 
Guillermo Gonzalo Sánchez Achutegui
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